The three nutrients that pregnant women need most are calcium, iron, and folic acid. In parts of the world where prenatal vitamins are not readily available, moringa is used to supplement these minerals as well as B vitamins and protein in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. While supplements should always be discussed with your doctor, moringa can be an excellent way to add a boost of these nutrients to each meal that you prepare. Only one tablespoon of this dry leaf powder provides you with about 50% RDV iron, 15% RDV of calcium and 5ug folic acid.

As moringa has so many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it could be used in every stage of motherhood. See below of how you as a mom or mom-to-be can use moringa as a supplement. However, always discuss with your doctor to use moringa as a supplement. 

For breastfeeding mothers
A breastfeeding mom knows that when she eats healthy food, her baby is eating healthy food too. As moringa is comparable to other dark leafy greens, its incorporation into a mother’s diet is safe for both her and her child. A Senegalese study noted that postpartum use of moringa increased maternal vitamin A intake and also increased the vitamin A content of breast milk for at least six months (3). There, and in many other parts of the world, it is even suggested that a mother incorporates moringa into her child’s weaning foods, like porridges, for a nutrient boost (4). 

While further studies are still needed to complete the nutritional and medicinal profiles of moringa, its galactagogue capabilities, and multivitamin components are indisputable (5). Sage-femmes, doulas, and the mothers in developing countries seemed to understand the value of traditional wisdom and practice when it comes to the most ancient female rite of passage. Women all over the world strive to nourish themselves in preparation for new life. To eat as many moms have eaten for thousands of years, incorporate moringa in your journey to motherhood.

For young mothers
You can add moringa powder to anything, from smoothies to savory dishes to your baby’s mashed bananas, for a nutritious burst. The suggested daily serving of moringa powder is six tablespoons for a nursing mother, and three tablespoons for a child of one to three years (6). You can find Kuli Kuli’s Pure Moringa Powder here. Another great way to get your daily dose of moringa is by Kuli Kuli’s  Moringa Superfood Bars. Even the pickiest kids like them for snacks and school lunches! With no more than six wholesome ingredients, the simplicity and convenience of these snacks are great for moms on the go and kids that grow.

More research on moringa and motherhood can be found here: 

  1. Moringa Breastfeeding Study, Moringa Philippines Study
  2. Moringa as a Galactagogue
  3. Moringa Senegal Study
  4. Moringa as a Weaning Food
  5. A Review of Moringa Research
  6. Moringa as Rural Food and Medicine

**It is important to avoid moringa in the early stages of pregnancy, as two studies have shown moringa leaves can act as a contraceptive in rats. Further research is needed to determine the safety of moringa use before the final weeks of pregnancy.**